Monday, February 4, 2013


So I went to a coupon class tonight! I had so much fun! Thanks to for coming out and giving tips. Found out about several sites and apps that I will start looking into! One is ibotta app. This is a cool app that you take quick surveys and earn discounts. Just take a picture of receipt after shopping and money goes into your Paypal account. Yes that's right real money!!! Gotta love that right??? Check it out here Sign up for Ibotta here:

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hurricane Isaac day 2

Well today the storm came through. It wasn't too bad just lots of rain and very strong wind. We had power all day and through the late afternoon.

Of course we continued our family fun by playing cards and dominoes. My son Dayton was so stir crazy he played with us. During the three hour domino game we only lost power for about 20 mins. Dayton enjoyed playing by an oil lamp. Then the power was restored and we kept on playing.

We finally went to bed about 12:00 only for the power to go out and stay out all night. Now our concern is the fridge. We are not opening the fridge unless there is no other option, like milk for breakfast. (we have to eat or we are some mean people!!).

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Family Time

So like most families in South Louisiana hurricane season means family time. I personally catch up on reading, complete essays or any other college work that is needed, all while playing games and enjoying winning or losing!

Of course a hurricane wouldn't be complete without some good eating before the power goes out!! Have to clean the freezer out, no wasting!!!

We played games until 1:30 in the morning. We didn't lose power last night and woke up with power this morning so we are thanking God for the comfort conditions at the moment.

Constantly watching to tv is comforting but also nerve racking. We are able to keep up with the storm and are able to asses and prepare however it also allows for nervousness, and fear to creep in. I think that's why my family has a tendency to play until we can't keep our eyes open.

Until next time,

Friday, August 24, 2012

And It Begins....

I am well on my way into my classes.  I have completed an assignment one for one class, and I am reading diligently for my other classes.  Like I anticipated, lots of reading and writing involved with my studies but I am knocking it out.  There is one class that I am worried about already.  There is a ton of reading and it's not too clear on when things are done and what those "things" are exactly.  SOOO right now I am reading, reading, reading.  Wish me luck, looks like I might need it!

However, job hunting isn't going well.  I still have not found anything stable.  I do have a sub. job lined up for next week already so hopefully that will start kicking into gear and start earning me some $$$!

I am working on creating a planner, so stay tuned for that tomorrow (I hope)!

Until then,


Thursday, August 23, 2012

When it rains.....

Well it seemed like everything was due yesterday! It was the first day of school which I already had an assignment due. It was my night to cook supper for the family before 5:00 ( we have GA's and RA's) and I had a meeting over 30 mins away for 6:30. Oh my assignment was due at 10:00. So of course other things had to pop up like a substitute meeting and other random life things that have to side track you and throw you off task! However life did continue, it didn't stop just because I was off track and needed help! I was able to make the sub meeting, cook supper, attend the 31 meeting, and turn in my paper. I have to say the last one was about 15 mins late but my professor accepted it. This did make me realize that I need to set a schedule and stick to it!!

Speaking of schedules, I finished my magnetic chalkboard on my wall!! I like it, I hope you do also!!

Friday, August 17, 2012

First Writing Assignment

Ahhh so I have had my first writing assignment for my writing class online.  I had to write 300 words minimum on what attracted me to the class and if I had any major concerns about taking a class exclusively online.  So I was thinking not too shabby right?  HA!!  I soon realized I didn't have 300 words to write about this topic.  I had like 246!  So I had to go back through with a fine comb and "fluff" it up A LOT to get my 300 word count in.  Have no fear, 300 word count is here!!  I achieved my, well the professors, goal on my word count.  I just hope he doesn't see through my "fluff"!

So until my next assignment,


P.S. I am still getting all my things in order from the big move.  I am working on a DIY magnetic chalkboard (custom color of course) strip on my wall.  I will let ya know how it turns out!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Mini office

So I am getting settled in at mom and dad's and I need to create some shelves. Dad had some shelf board already but they were too long so I have to cut them, by hand, to fit in the space. I have to say I am pretty excited. Here are some pictures!! I am proud of my new shelf!!